www Server :  platon  of  PeLAB

Period covered by these statistics: 399 days
(10.Jul.1996 - 17.Feb.1998)

Period covered by these statistics: 399 days (10.Jul.1996 - 17.Feb.1998) 
Total number of requests: 231.421,00
Number of unique requests: 3.680,00
Number of bytes sent: 807.431.472,00
Number of unique hosts: 3.135,00
Average number of requests / day: 580,00
Average number of requests / hour: 24,17
Average number of requests / minute: 0,40


Hosts accessing this server, by domain:

[Accesses by Location Graphic]
Domain                            : Number of Accesses : Percentage of total.
Greece                            :           105,567  :  45.6
Unresolved                        :            95,879  :  41.4
US Commercial                     :             8,653  :   3.7
United Kingdom                    :             5,655  :   2.4
Network                           :             5,434  :   2.3
All Others                        :            10,214  :   4.4

Note: Unresolved means IP numbers which do not resolve to hostnames. List of all domains accessing the server.

Average Number of Accesses per Hour of the Day:

 [Average hourly accesses graphic]
Peak hour: Feb 16 2pm- 3pm: 628
 [Text version]

Frequency of Items Requested:

Top Ten Items Accessed:                                      :         #accesses
/                                                            :           7,200
/htbin/nph-count?wi...../index.html                          :           5,975
/new/                                                        :           2,714
???????                                                      :           2,325
/htbin/nph-count?wid.........=http://platon/tei.html         :           1,660
/new/ecs/                                                    :           1,367
/new/stef.html                                               :           1,189
/new/undercon.html                                           :           1,106
/new/a051.jpg                                                :             974
/new/ecs/pelab_1/pelab.htm                                   :             914

All items accessed more than 25 times. 

Hosts accessing this server, ordered by number of accesses:

List of hosts accessing the server (more than 25 times).

These statistics  were  produced by PeLAB with pwebstats.
Edited by:  M. Kostopoulou  &  D. Basilopoulos  