SELECT A SEGMENT FROM THE MAIN MAPYou have the ability to select an area from the general Athens map. |
SELECT A STREET BY NAMEYou have the ability to choose the streets of Athens and go directly to the exact position they are in the Athens map. |
HOSPITALSYou have the ability to choose the hospitals of Athens and go directly to the exact position they are in the Athens map. |
MINISTRIESYou have the ability to see the entire list of Greek ministries and go directly to the exact position they are in Athens map. |
TOWN HALLS AND TAX OFFICESYou have the ability to choose from the list of Greek Town Halls and Tax Offices and go directly to the exact position they are in Athens map. |
OBJECTIVE ESTATE EVALUATIONSIncludes a map of Athens separated in zones , corresponding to objective estate evaluations and an analytic map with exact values. |
ATTIKO METPOYou can see metro map and some useful information about it. |
BUS LINES(on ariadne's wwwserver)Ariadne has created a useful site with informations about bus lines in Athens |
WEATHER INFORMATION(on ntua's wwwserver)You can see meteorogical data from ntua, for location of Zographou |