How can I distribute audio through the Web?
Not all web browsers have audio support built-in, but nearly all
can launch external "viewers" to handle audio. These player programs
are widely available as freeware or shareware for most architectures
(or standard with your operating system).
Audio is a particularly thorny case owing to the need to download
the entire audio program before it can be heard. Alternatives to
this delay are beginning to appear.
I am openly soliciting URLs for other WWW-related audio products.
- RealAudio
- By Progressive Networks (URL is <URL:> ).
The RealAudio player can communicate with
a specialized RealAudio server in order to play back audio as
it is downloaded, eliminating download delays even over long
distances and/or 14.4kbps modems. By Progressive Networks.
Disclaimer: I used to work for PN.
World Wide Web FAQ